

It is no secret that we are first and foremost artists and designers, with a deep love for the printed book.

But if one is in the business of creating books, then one would be advised to take at least a cursory interest in selling said books. This is the part of the game we are less good at.

It is not that we wouldn’t love seeing our books getting read far and wide, it is only that creating the books takes most of our time, which leaves precious little time for selling them.

We are well aware of this shortcoming on our part and promise to try to try to become better on the commercial end of things. But up until May we will be all too busy to even begin thinking about doing all that setting up a shop would require.

This means that should you want to but one of our books you will need to send us an email, and we’ll figure out a way to proceed. You can read about all that we have to offer on the our books page. (Do note that books marked Sold Out, are actually sold out and thus not available.)

If you are interested or just want to say hi then write us! To make your life a little bit easier here’s the address for you:

kaisa [at] kaisaleka.net

(Please note that even this offer is for the time being only valid within the European Union, as the shipping costs outside this area are nothing short of exorbitant. Again, a shortcoming we are aware of and one we’ll try to find a solution to, but there are only two of us, so you shouldn’t expect anything to happen in the upcoming days. So sorry!)